Monday, 5 November 2007


I agree with pluralism because in the twenty first century where new media technology is on a global expansion, the validity of a theory which suggests we are limited in media choice is actually quite an insult to media development. The growth of the internet along with globalisation means that as consumers we are no longer subjected to Marxist ideas of a mass culture but rather the individual ability of texts which enables us to be selective in out choice of consumption. -We are no longer the passive audience of 1950 where our media choice on television is restricted on channels 1-4 but the audience of an ever-growing, media literate society where our roles in choosing the media we want to consume has made our roles impressively active. We aren’t faced with cultural hygenomisation and a mass culture but the readers of a society which accepts and uses the variety of media material available to us with the choice enabling us as educated individuals to select our choices from an enormous database.

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